Your Coach
Renee Lawless
It is my passion to coach those who struggle with feelings of powerlessness to gain control of their lives so they feel FEARLESS to live life by their rules.
In 2016, I had to manage some difficult personal transitions that were quite difficult which, not surprisingly, impacted my professional life as well.
Becoming a Certified Coach is the result of my own journey using coaching to find more satisfaction outside a very traditional and corporate career.
Centering on what was most rewarding in my professional career experience, I concluded that I was most energized and personally fulfilled when I could serve individuals to CONSCIOUSLY lead their actions and decisions to match their true self.
What I didn’t plan was how much improving one area of my life would be so beneficial to every other part of my day. I’m now a better friend, co-worker, and mom because I now know how to be in control when life feels uncontrollable.
By working with a coach, YOU too can alter your perspective, make a shift in your consciousness, and increase your energy awareness.
Whether your desire is to reach a goal that has been alluding you, to proactively realign areas in your life to capture untapped potential, or reconnect to your true self, coaching can be the answer you have been searching for.
There are no limits as to the potential growth that YOU can achieve.